Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences HDR)
Head of the Robotic Perception group: 2022 - present
MIS laboratory, Université de Picardie Jules Verne
33 Rue Saint-Leu, 80039 Amiens, France
Office 304, Tel. +33 (0)3 22 82 59 02
Email: fabio[dot]morbidi[at]u-picardie[dot]fr
Research interests: Multi-robot and Network Systems, Robotic Vision
Link to my Google Scholar profile
Latest news:
June 4, 2025: PhD committee at Aarhus University, Denmark (host: F. Chinello)
March 21, 2025: PhD committee at University of Parma, Italy (host: L. Consolini)
November 25-30, 2024: Visit and seminar at SUNY Korea, Incheon (host: F. Rameau)
November 4th, 2024: M. Robic and N. Jabbari present their work on event-based optical communication and target tracking at JJCR 2024 in Paris. They won the 1st place of the public and the 3rd place of the jury for the conference session
19-26 October 2024: A. El Moudni visits G. Gallego's lab at TU Berlin
October 2024: Our proposal for a special collection on Event-based Vision for Robotics for the IEEE Transactions on Robotics, has been accepted. Submissions open on January 1st, 2025
August 10, 2024: The IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine received the APEX 2024 Awards of Excellence in the Writing/Topic for Health and Medical Writing for the March 2023 issue on Homecare Robots. An article of mine was published in this issue
June 21, 2024: D. Rodrigues da Costa and D. Rossi win the best project award at Doctoriales 2024, Belle Dune, France
June 12, 2024: Presentation of J. Caracotte at JNER'24 (Journées Nationales de l'Enseignement en Robotique), Le Creusot, France
March 4, 2024: Presentation for the R4 seminar (robotics network of Nouvelle-Aquitaine region)
January 31, 2024: I defended my HDR thesis entitled "Cooperative Multi-robot Systems:
From Perception to Action"November 16, 2023: I will serve as a member of CNU, Section 61, Mandature 2023-2027
November 7, 2023: Conférence Flash, UFR des Sciences de l'UPJV, L'oeil de Terminator : Vision événementielle pour la robotique
November 3, 2023: Our book Omnidirectional Vision: From Theory to Applications, ISTE-Wiley, will be published in December 2023
October 13, 2023: Our ANR/FWF (France-Austria) project EVELOC (Event-based Visual Localization) has been accepted
July 18, 2023: Our ANR project DEVIN (Omni-Event Vision for Drone Neutralization) has been accepted
February 15-17, 2023: Visit of CNRS-AIST Joint Robotics Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan
March 2022: I have been appointed as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
July 2021: Our ANR project CERBERE (Event cameras for perception of rapid objects around an autonomous vehicle) has been accepted
November 4, 2020: Our driving-assistance system SpheriCol is on the news (Ouest France)
February 3-7, 2020 and July 20-24, 2021: Visit of IPPT PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences)
April 2019: I have been elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member
Bio sketch:
Ph.D. in Robotics and Automation (March 2009), University of Siena, Italy
Supervisor: D. PrattichizzoVisiting scholar (2007-2008), University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Supervisor: F. BulloPostdoctoral Fellow (2009-2014):
Northwestern University, USA
Supervisors: K.M. Lynch and R.A. FreemanUniversity of Texas at Arlington, USA
Supervisor: G.-L. MariottiniInria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, France
Supervisor: C. Canudas-de-Wit
Current group:
A. Infanti (PhD student, ANR DEVIN project, 2025-2028)
with G. Allibert and B. Mavkov (Côte d'Azur University)A. Hsaine (PhD student, ANR-FWF EVELOC project, 2024-2027)
with P. VasseurN. Jabbari (Research engineer, ANR DEVIN project, Sept. 2024 - Oct. 2025)
with P. VasseurM. Robic (Post-Doc, ANR DEVIN project, 2024-2025)
with P. VasseurD. Rossi (PhD student, ANR CERBERE project, 2022-2025)
with P. Vasseur and C. Demonceaux (University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté)A. El Moudni (PhD student, ANR CERBERE project, 2022-2025)
with R. Boutteau and S. Kramm (University of Rouen)D. Rodrigues da Costa (PhD student, EVENTO project, 2021-2024)
with P. Vasseur. PhD defense: April 22nd, 2025
Past members:
D. Adlakha (PhD student, SUMUM and ADAPT projects, 2018-2022)
with M. de Mathelin, A. Habed (University of Strasbourg)
and C. Demonceaux (University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté).
PhD thesis defended on December 12th, 2022.
Currently, Post-Doc at the University Clermont AuvergneG. Hardouin (PhD student, ScanBot project, 2018-2022)
with J. Moras, J. Marzat (ONERA) and E. Mouaddib.
PhD thesis defended on March 22nd, 2022.
Currently, research engineer at Naval Group, Saint-TropezJ. Caracotte (PhD student, 2016-2021) with E. Mouaddib.
PhD thesis defended on July 6th, 2021.
Associate professor at the UPJV, since September 2024S. Delmas (Research engineer, ADAPT project, Oct. 2019-Oct. 2021).
Currently, electronics engineer at AstekH.-E. Benseddik (Post-Doc, région Hauts-de-France in support of ADAPT project,
Jan. 2018-Dec. 2019) with G. Caron. Currently, research engineer at Valeo, Créteil
Current book recommendation (August 2024):
Solaris, Stanislaw Lem, 1961
Full list of my favorite books

Cloud of the keywords of my PhD thesis