EVELOC: Event-based Visual Localization 

EVELOC: Event-based Visual Localization is a PRCI ANR/FWF project has been funded by the ANR CES 33 – Interaction, Robotics and the FWF agencies since 2023 for a duration of 48 months.


Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision / Graz University of Technology (Austria)

Friedrich Fraundorfer (Professor) / Austrian Coordinator

Jun Zhang (Senior Researcher) 

Kuangyi Chen (PhD Candidate)

Runze Yuan (PhD Candidate)

Modélisation, Information & Systèmes / Université de Picardie Jules Verne (France)

Pascal Vasseur (Professor) / French Coordinator 

Fabio Morbidi (Associate Professor HDR) 

Ayoub Hsaine (PhD Candidate)

Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne / Université de Bourgogne (France)

Cédric Demonceaux (Professor)

Renato Martins (Associate Professor) 

Goal of the EVELOC Project

The goal of this project is to develop new image processing and computer vision algorithms for event cameras. There are four main advantages of event cameras over frame cameras namely high temporal resolution (high frame rate), low latency, low power consumption, and high dynamic range. All these unique properties make event cameras valuable in many computer vision and robotic applications. In particular, in mobile robotics, rapid motions and scenes with variable lighting conditions, are very challenging for standard frame-based cameras. While several computer vision methods for standard cameras have been redesigned for event cameras, others still wait to be discovered. In particular, the EVELOC project aims at developing new efficient, robust and accurate event based registration algorithms into 3D point cloud.  

The project is scientifically organized as follows :