MID Profile

Class TextField


public class TextField
extends Item

A TextField is an editable text component that may be placed into a Form. It can be given a piece of text that is used as the initial value.

A TextField has a maximum size, which is the maximum number of characters that can be stored in the object at any time (its capacity). This limit is enforced when the TextField instance is constructed, when the user is editing text within the TextField, as well as when the application program calls methods on the TextField that modify its contents. The maximum size is the maximum stored capacity and is unrelated to the number of characters that may be displayed at any given time. The number of characters displayed and their arrangement into rows and columns are determined by the device.

The implementation may place a boundary on the maximum size, and the maximum size actually assigned may be smaller than the application had requested. The value actually assigned will be reflected in the value returned by getMaxSize(). A defensively-written application should compare this value to the maximum size requested and be prepared to handle cases where they differ.

Input Constraints

The TextField shares the concept of input constraints with the TextBox object. The different constraints allow the application to request that the user's input be restricted in a variety of ways. The implementation is required to restrict the user's input as requested by the application. For example, if the application requests the NUMERIC constraint on a TextField, the implementation must allow only numeric characters to be entered.

The implementation is not required to do any syntactic validation of the contents of the text object. Applications must be prepared to perform such checking themselves.

The implementation may provide special formatting for the value entered. For example, a PHONENUMBER field may be separated and punctuated as appropriate for the phone number conventions in use, grouping the digits into country code, area code, prefix, etc. Any spaces or punctuation provided are not considered part of the text field's value. For example, a TextField with the PHONENUMBER constraint might display as follows:

 (408) 555-1212
but the value of the field visible to the application would be a string representing a legal phone number like "4085551212". Note that in some networks a '+' prefix is part of the number and returned as a part of the string.

Field Summary
static int ANY
          The user is allowed to enter any text.
          The mask value for determining the constraint mode.
static int EMAILADDR
          The user is allowed to enter an e-mail address.
static int NUMERIC
          The user is allowed to enter only an integer value.
static int PASSWORD
          The text entered must be masked so that the characters typed are not visible.
static int PHONENUMBER
          The user is allowed to enter a phone number.
static int URL
          The user is allowed to enter a URL.
Constructor Summary
TextField(String label, String text, int maxSize, int constraints)
          Creates a new TextField object with the given label, initial contents, maximum size in characters, and constraints.
Method Summary
 void delete(int offset, int length)
          Deletes characters from the TextField.
 int getCaretPosition()
          Gets the current input position.
 int getChars(char[] data)
          Copies the contents of the TextField into a character array starting at index zero.
 int getConstraints()
          Get the current input constraints of the TextField.
 int getMaxSize()
          Returns the maximum size (number of characters) that can be stored in this TextField.
 String getString()
          Gets the contents of the TextField as a string value.
 void insert(char[] data, int offset, int length, int position)
          Inserts a subrange of an array of characters into the contents of the TextField.
 void insert(String src, int position)
          Inserts a string into the contents of the TextField.
 void setChars(char[] data, int offset, int length)
          Sets the contents of the TextField from a character array, replacing the previous contents.
 void setConstraints(int constraints)
          Sets the input constraints of the TextField.
 void setLabel(String label)
          Sets the label of the Item.
 int setMaxSize(int maxSize)
          Sets the maximum size (number of characters) that can be contained in this TextField.
 void setString(String text)
          Sets the contents of the TextField as a string value, replacing the previous contents.
 int size()
          Gets the number of characters that are currently stored in this TextField.
Methods inherited from class javax.microedition.lcdui.Item
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ANY
The user is allowed to enter any text.

Constant 0 is assigned to ANY.


public static final int EMAILADDR
The user is allowed to enter an e-mail address.

Constant 1 is assigned to EMAILADDDR.


public static final int NUMERIC
The user is allowed to enter only an integer value. The implementation must restrict the contents to consist of an optional minus sign followed by an optional string of numerals.

Constant 2 is assigned to NUMERIC.


public static final int PHONENUMBER

The user is allowed to enter a phone number. The phone number is a special case, since a phone-based implementation may be linked to the native phone dialing application. The implementation may automatically start a phone dialer application that is initialized so that pressing a single key would be enough to make a call. The call must not made automatically without requiring user's confirmation. The exact set of characters allowed is specific to the device and to the device's network and may include non-numeric characters.

Constant 3 is assigned to PHONENUMBER.


public static final int URL
The user is allowed to enter a URL.

Constant 4 is assigned to URL.


public static final int PASSWORD

The text entered must be masked so that the characters typed are not visible. The actual contents of the text field are not affected, but each character is displayed using a mask character such as "*". The character chosen as the mask character is implementation-dependent. This is useful for entering confidential information such as passwords or PINs (personal identification numbers).

The PASSWORD modifier can be combined with other input constraints by using the logical OR operator (|). However, The PASSWORD modifier is nonsensical with some constraint values such as EMAILADDR, PHONENUMBER, and URL.

Constant 0x10000 is assigned to PASSWORD.


public static final int CONSTRAINT_MASK
The mask value for determining the constraint mode. The application should use the logical AND operation with a value returned by getConstraints() and CONSTRAINT_MASK in order to retrieve the current constraint mode, in order to remove any modifier flags such as the PASSWORD flag.

Constant 0xFFFF is assigned to CONSTRAINT_MASK.

Constructor Detail


public TextField(String label,
                 String text,
                 int maxSize,
                 int constraints)
Creates a new TextField object with the given label, initial contents, maximum size in characters, and constraints. If the text parameter is null, the TextField is created empty. The maxSize parameter must be greater than zero.
label - item label
text - the initial contents, or null if the TextField is to be empty
maxSize - the maximum capacity in characters
constraints - see input constraints
IllegalArgumentException - if maxSize is zero or less
IllegalArgumentException - if the value of the constraints parameter is invalid
IllegalArgumentException - if text is illegal for the specified constraints
IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the string exceeds the requested maximum capacity or the maximum capacity actually assigned
Method Detail


public String getString()
Gets the contents of the TextField as a string value.
the current contents
See Also:


public void setString(String text)
Sets the contents of the TextField as a string value, replacing the previous contents.
text - the new value of the TextField, or null if the TextField is to be made empty
IllegalArgumentException - if the text is illegal for the current input constraints
IllegalArgumentException - if the text would exceed the current maximum capacity
See Also:


public int getChars(char[] data)
Copies the contents of the TextField into a character array starting at index zero. Array elements beyond the characters copied are left unchanged.
data - the character array to receive the value
the number of characters copied
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the array is too short for the contents
NullPointerException - if data is null
See Also:
setChars(char[], int, int)


public void setChars(char[] data,
                     int offset,
                     int length)
Sets the contents of the TextField from a character array, replacing the previous contents. Characters are copied from the region of the data array starting at array index offset and running for length characters. If the data array is null, the TextField is set to be empty and the other parameters are ignored.
data - the source of the character data
offset - the beginning of the region of characters to copy
length - the number of characters to copy
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset and length do not specify a valid range within the data array
IllegalArgumentException - if the text is illegal for the current input constraints
IllegalArgumentException - if the text would exceed the current maximum capacity
See Also:


public void insert(String src,
                   int position)

Inserts a string into the contents of the TextField. The string is inserted just prior to the character indicated by the position parameter, where zero specifies the first character of the contents of the TextField. If position is less than or equal to zero, the insertion occurs at the beginning of the contents, thus effecting a prepend operation. If position is greater than or equal to the current size of the contents, the insertion occurs immediately after the end of the contents, thus effecting an append operation. For example, text.insert(s, text.size()) always appends the string s to the current contents.

The current size of the contents is increased by the number of inserted characters. The resulting string must fit within the current maximum capacity.

If the application needs to simulate typing of characters it can determining the location of the current insertion point ("caret") using the with getCaretPosition() method. For example, text.insert(s, text.getCaretPosition()) inserts the string s at the current caret position.

src - the String to be inserted
position - the position at which insertion is to occur
IllegalArgumentException - if the resulting contents are illegal for the current input constraints
IllegalArgumentException - if the insertion would exceed the current maximum capacity
NullPointerException - if src is null


public void insert(char[] data,
                   int offset,
                   int length,
                   int position)

Inserts a subrange of an array of characters into the contents of the TextField. The offset and length parameters indicate the subrange of the data array to be used for insertion. Behavior is otherwise identical to insert(String, int).

data - the source of the character data
offset - the beginning of the region of characters to copy
length - the number of characters to copy
position - the position at which insertion is to occur
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset and length do not specify a valid range within the data array
IllegalArgumentException - if the resulting contents are illegal for the current input constraints
IllegalArgumentException - if the insertion would exceed the current maximum capacity
NullPointerException - if data is null


public void delete(int offset,
                   int length)

Deletes characters from the TextField.

offset - the beginning of the region to be deleted
length - the number of characters to be deleted
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset and length do not specify a valid range within the contents of the TextField


public int getMaxSize()
Returns the maximum size (number of characters) that can be stored in this TextField.
the maximum size in characters
See Also:


public int setMaxSize(int maxSize)
Sets the maximum size (number of characters) that can be contained in this TextField. If the current contents of the TextField are larger than maxSize, the contents are truncated to fit.
maxSize - the new maximum size
assigned maximum capacity - may be smaller than requested.
IllegalArgumentException - if maxSize is zero or less.
See Also:


public int size()
Gets the number of characters that are currently stored in this TextField.
number of characters in the TextField


public int getCaretPosition()
Gets the current input position. For some UIs this may block some time and ask the user about the intended caret position, on some UIs may just return the caret position.
the current caret position, 0 if in the beginning.


public void setConstraints(int constraints)
Sets the input constraints of the TextField. If the the current contents of the TextField do not match the new constraints, the contents are set to empty.
constraints - see input constraints
IllegalArgumentException - if constraints is not any of the ones specified in input constraints
See Also:


public int getConstraints()
Get the current input constraints of the TextField.
the current constraints value (see input constraints)
See Also:


public void setLabel(String label)
Sets the label of the Item. If label is null, specifies that this item has no label.
setLabel in class Item
label - the label string

MID Profile

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