MID Profile

Package javax.microedition.rms

The Mobile Information Device Profile provides a mechanism for MIDlets to persistently store data and later retrieve it.


Interface Summary
RecordComparator An interface defining a comparator which compares two records (in an implementation-defined manner) to see if they match or what their relative sort order is.
RecordEnumeration A class representing a bidirectional record store Record enumerator.
RecordFilter An interface defining a filter which examines a record to see if it matches (based on an application-defined criteria).
RecordListener A listener interface for receiving Record Changed/Added/Deleted events from a record store.

Class Summary
RecordStore A class representing a record store.

Exception Summary
InvalidRecordIDException Thrown to indicate an operation could not be completed because the record ID was invalid.
RecordStoreException Thrown to indicate a general exception occurred in a record store operation.
RecordStoreFullException Thrown to indicate an operation could not be completed because the record store system storage is full.
RecordStoreNotFoundException Thrown to indicate an operation could not be completed because the record store could not be found.
RecordStoreNotOpenException Thrown to indicate that an operation was attempted on a closed record store.

Package javax.microedition.rms Description

The Mobile Information Device Profile provides a mechanism for MIDlets to persistently store data and later retrieve it. This persistent storage mechanism is modeled after a simple record oriented database and is called the Record Management System.


The example uses the Record Management System to store and retrieve high scores for a game. In the example, high scores are stored in separate records, and sorted when necessary using a RecordEnumeration.

import javax.microedition.rms.*;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.EOFException;

 * A class used for storing and showing game scores.
public class RMSGameScores
    implements RecordFilter, RecordComparator
     * The RecordStore used for storing the game scores.
    private RecordStore recordStore = null;

     * The player name to use when filtering.
    public static String playerNameFilter = null;

     * Part of the RecordFilter interface.
    public boolean matches(byte[] candidate)
	throws IllegalArgumentException
	// If no filter set, nothing can match it.
	if (this.playerNameFilter == null) {
	    return false;

	ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(candidate);
	DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(bais);
	String name = null;
	try {
	    int score = inputStream.readInt();
	    name = inputStream.readUTF();
	catch (EOFException eofe) {
	catch (IOException eofe) {
	return (this.playerNameFilter.equals(name));

     * Part of the RecordComparator interface.
    public int compare(byte[] rec1, byte[] rec2)
	// Construct DataInputStreams for extracting the scores from
	// the records.
	ByteArrayInputStream bais1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(rec1);
	DataInputStream inputStream1 = new DataInputStream(bais1);
	ByteArrayInputStream bais2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(rec2);
	DataInputStream inputStream2 = new DataInputStream(bais2);
	int score1 = 0;
	int score2 = 0;
	try {
	    // Extract the scores.
	    score1 = inputStream1.readInt();
	    score2 = inputStream2.readInt();
	catch (EOFException eofe) {
	catch (IOException eofe) {

	// Sort by score
	if (score1 < score2) {
	    return RecordComparator.PRECEDES;
	else if (score1 > score2) {
	    return RecordComparator.FOLLOWS;
	else {
	    return RecordComparator.EQUIVALENT;

     * The constructor opens the underlying record store,
     * creating it if necessary.
    public RMSGameScores()
	// Create a new record store for this example
	try {
	    recordStore = RecordStore.openRecordStore("scores", true);
	catch (RecordStoreException rse) {

     * Add a new score to the storage.
     * @param score the score to store.
     * @param playerName the name of the play achieving this score.
    public void addScore(int score, String playerName)
	// Each score is stored in a separate record, formatted with
	// the score, followed by the player name.
	ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
	DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(baos);
	try {
	    // Push the score into a byte array.
	    // Then push the player name.
	catch (IOException ioe) {

	// Extract the byte array
	byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();
	// Add it to the record store
	try {
	    recordStore.addRecord(b, 0, b.length);
	catch (RecordStoreException rse) {

     * A helper method for the printScores methods.
    private void printScoresHelper(RecordEnumeration re)
	try {
	    while(re.hasNextElement()) {
		int id = re.nextRecordId();
		ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(recordStore.getRecord(id));
		DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(bais);
		try {
		    int score = inputStream.readInt();
		    String playerName = inputStream.readUTF();
		    System.out.println(playerName + " = " + score);
		catch (EOFException eofe) {
	catch (RecordStoreException rse) {
	catch (IOException ioe) {

     * This method prints all of the scores sorted by game score.
    public void printScores()
	try {
	    // Enumerate the records using the comparator implemented
	    // above to sort by game score.
	    RecordEnumeration re = recordStore.enumerateRecords(null, this, 
	catch (RecordStoreException rse) {

     * This method prints all of the scores for a given player,
     * sorted by game score.
    public void printScores(String playerName)
	try {
	    // Enumerate the records using the comparator and filter
	    // implemented above to sort by game score.
	    RecordEnumeration re = recordStore.enumerateRecords(this, this, 
	catch (RecordStoreException rse) {

    public static void main(String[] args)
	RMSGameScores rmsgs = new RMSGameScores();
	rmsgs.addScore(100, "Alice");
	rmsgs.addScore(120, "Bill");
	rmsgs.addScore(80, "Candice");
	rmsgs.addScore(40, "Dean");
	rmsgs.addScore(200, "Ethel");
	rmsgs.addScore(110, "Farnsworth");
	rmsgs.addScore(220, "Farnsworth");
	System.out.println("All scores");
	System.out.println("Farnsworth's scores");
	RMSGameScores.playerNameFilter = "Farnsworth";

MID Profile

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