MID Profile

Class Alert


public class Alert
extends Screen

An alert is a screen that shows data to the user and waits for a certain period of time before proceeding to the next screen. An alert is an ordinary screen that can contain text (String) and image, and which handles events like other screens.

The intended use of Alert is to inform the user about errors and other exceptional conditions.

The application can set the alert time to be infinity with setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER) in which case the Alert is considered to be modal and the implementation provide a feature that allows the user to "dismiss" the alert, whereupon the next screen is displayed as if the timeout had expired immediately.

If an application specifies an alert to be of a timed variety and gives it too much content such that it must scroll, then it automatically becomes a modal alert.

An alert may have an AlertType associated with it to provide an indication of the nature of the alert. The implementation may use this type to play an appropriate sound when the Alert is presented to the user. See AlertType.playSound().

Alerts do not accept application-defined commands.

If the Alert is visible on the display when changes to its contents are requested by the application, the changes take place automatically. That is, applications need not take any special action to refresh a Alert's display after its contents have been modified.

See Also:

Field Summary
static int FOREVER
          FOREVER indicates that an Alert is kept visible until the user dismisses it.
Constructor Summary
Alert(String title)
          Constructs a new, empty Alert object with the given title.
Alert(String title, String alertText, Image alertImage, AlertType alertType)
          Constructs a new Alert object with the given title, content string and image, and alert type.
Method Summary
 void addCommand(Command cmd)
          Commands are not allowed on Alerts, so this method will always throw IllegalStateException whenever it is called.
 int getDefaultTimeout()
          Gets the default time for showing an Alert.
 Image getImage()
          Gets the Image used in the Alert.
 String getString()
          Gets the text string used in the Alert.
 int getTimeout()
          Gets the time this Alert will be shown.
 AlertType getType()
          Gets the type of the Alert.
 void setCommandListener(CommandListener l)
          Listeners are not allowed on Alerts, so this method will always throw IllegalStateException whenever it is called.
 void setImage(Image img)
           Sets the Image used in the Alert.
 void setString(String str)
           Sets the text string used in the Alert.
 void setTimeout(int time)
          Set the time for which the Alert is to be shown.
 void setType(AlertType type)
          Sets the type of the Alert.
Methods inherited from class javax.microedition.lcdui.Screen
getTicker, getTitle, setTicker, setTitle
Methods inherited from class javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable
isShown, removeCommand
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int FOREVER

FOREVER indicates that an Alert is kept visible until the user dismisses it. It is used as a value for the parameter to setTimeout() to indicate that the alert is modal. Instead of waiting for a specified period of time, a modal Alert will wait for the user to take some explicit action, such as pressing a button, before proceeding to the next screen.

Value -2 is assigned to FOREVER.

Constructor Detail


public Alert(String title)

Constructs a new, empty Alert object with the given title. If null is passed, the Alert will have no title. Calling this constructor is equivalent to calling

    Alert(title, null, null, null)
title - the title string, or null
See Also:
Alert(String, String, Image, AlertType)


public Alert(String title,
             String alertText,
             Image alertImage,
             AlertType alertType)

Constructs a new Alert object with the given title, content string and image, and alert type. The layout of the contents is implementation dependent. The timeout value of this new alert is the same value that is returned by getDefaultTimeout(). If an image is provided it must be immutable. The handling and behavior of specific AlertTypes is described in AlertType. Null is allowed as the value of the alertType parameter and indicates that the Alert is not to have a specific alert type.

title - the title string, or null if there is no title
alertText - the string contents, or null if there is no string
alertImage - the image contents, or null if there is no image
alertType - the type of the Alert, or null if the Alert has no specific type
IllegalArgumentException - if the image is mutable
Method Detail


public int getDefaultTimeout()

Gets the default time for showing an Alert. This is either a positive value, which indicates a time in milliseconds, or the special value FOREVER, which indicates that Alerts are modal by default. The value returned will vary across implementations and is presumably tailored to be suitable for each.

default timeout in milliseconds, or FOREVER


public int getTimeout()

Gets the time this Alert will be shown. This is either a positive value, which indicates a time in milliseconds, or the special value FOREVER, which indicates that this Alert is modal.

timeout in milliseconds, or FOREVER
See Also:


public void setTimeout(int time)

Set the time for which the Alert is to be shown. This must either be a positive time value in milliseconds, or the special value FOREVER.

time - timeout in milliseconds, or FOREVER
IllegalArgumentException - if time is not positive and is not FOREVER
See Also:


public AlertType getType()
Gets the type of the Alert.
a reference to an instance of AlertType, or null if the Alert has no specific type
See Also:


public void setType(AlertType type)
Sets the type of the Alert. The handling and behavior of specific AlertTypes is described in AlertType.
type - an AlertType, or null if the Alert has no specific type
See Also:


public String getString()
Gets the text string used in the Alert.
the Alert's text string, or null if there is no text
See Also:


public void setString(String str)

Sets the text string used in the Alert.

str - the Alert's text string, or null if there is no text
See Also:


public Image getImage()
Gets the Image used in the Alert.
the Alert's image, or null if there is no image
See Also:


public void setImage(Image img)

Sets the Image used in the Alert.

img - the Alert's image, or null if there is no image
IllegalArgumentException - if img is mutable
See Also:


public void addCommand(Command cmd)
Commands are not allowed on Alerts, so this method will always throw IllegalStateException whenever it is called.
addCommand in class Displayable
cmd - the Command
IllegalStateException - always


public void setCommandListener(CommandListener l)
Listeners are not allowed on Alerts, so this method will always throw IllegalStateException whenever it is called.
setCommandListener in class Displayable
l - the Listener
IllegalStateException - always

MID Profile

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