13th Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days

From 09/06/2010 to 09/10/2010 in AMIENS (France).

There are no registration fees.

Please fill in the following form to validate your inscription.

First Name

I'll come to the Conference Dinner on Thursday evening     Yes     No

If yes, please choose your menu:


Flamiche aux poireaux (Leeks Pie)
Ficelle picarde (Crêpe filled with Ham, Mushrooms duxelle and Cream)
Main Course

Confit de canard au miel (Confit of Duck with Honey)
Pavé de saumon grillé (Grilled Salmon)

Moelleux au chocolat (Chocolate cake with melting heart)
Gâteau aux fruits (Fruits cake)

In case of particular food restriction, answer no for the conference dinner to validate the form and contact us.