The task of the program committee is to select submissions with respect to
novelty of the results, clarity of the presentation and adequacy with the main themes of the conference.
We will select two kinds of papers:
With the usual philosphy of the conference, young researchers deserve special attention
(Ph.D. students or Ph.D. obtained less than one year ago) and we want to allow them to present their first work
Consider usual submissions.
Please submit a full paper or a long abstract of 6 to 12 pages (pdf file) with
an EasyChair automatic procedure (do you have a technical problem?). For young researchers papers, please indicate it when submitting.
Topics of the conference are related to several fields of theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics, for example:
combinatorics and algorithmics on words,
automata theory and formal languages theory,
discrete dynamical systems,
discrete geometry,
and their links with other fields (number theory, model-checking, logical aspects, theory of semigroups, game theory, tilings, ...).
Both French and English are the official languages of the conference. More and more non french speaking researchers are participating to this conference, so most of the talks are usually given in English.
Papers and long abstracts selected for a talk will appear in a local proceeding distributed to all participants.
After the conference, a special edition of RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications will be edited.
Submissions for this journal volume will follow a new refering process independent of the selection for the conference.