13ièmes Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique

Du lundi 6 septembre au vendredi 10 septembre 2010, à AMIENS (France).

Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi
9h Exposé invité
[pdf]Franck PETIT
Deaf and dumb robots & Words
Exposé invité
[pdf]Jean-Éric PIN
The abstract notion of recognition: algebra, logic and topology
Exposé invité
Mathieu SABLIK
Simulating an effective subshift by a subshift of finite type: some applications
Exposé invité
[pdf]Thierry LECROQ
Indexing Structures and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Accueil des participants Pause Café Pausé Café Pause Café Pause Café


Antonio Restivo, Giovanna Rosone. On the product of balanced sequences [pdf]Pedro V. Silva. The automata-theoretic approach to fixed points of endomorphisms [pdf]Tomas Hejda. Morphisms preserving the set of words coding three interval exchange [pdf]Alexandre Decan, Véronique Bruyère, Olivier Gauwin, Jef Wijsen and Olivier Carton. A Variant of Pattern Matching for Multiwords

[pdf]Alexandre Blondin Massé, Geneviève Paquin and Laurent Vuillon. A Fine and Wilf's theorem for pseudoperiods and Justin's formula for generalized pseudostandard words [pdf]Vinh-Duc Tran and Igor Litovsky. One-relation languages and omega-code generators Julien Leroy. Some improvements of the S-adic conjecture (extended abstract) [pdf]Edmunds Cers. An unique basis representation of finitely generated bi-ideals

[pdf]Francine Blanchet-Sadri, Amelia Tebbe and Amy Veprauskas. Fine and Wilf's Theorem for Abelian Periods in Partial words [pdf]Janis Buls and Edmunds Cers. Modularity in the semilattice of omega-words [pdf]Maurice Margenstern. An application of iterative pushdown automata to contour words of balls and truncated balls in hyperbolic tessellations [pdf]Gabriele Fici. Special factors and factor automata

Clôture des journées

13h Accueil des participants

14h Ouverture des journées Exposé invité
[pdf]Alejandro MAASS
[New Title] Rigidity results in cellular automata theory: probabilistic and ergodic approach
[pdf]Wit Forys and Piotr Oprocha. Symbolic Dynamics on Infinite Traces - Minimal Shift Case and Flower Shift Case Exposé invité
Local vs global regularity of words and automata theory
Événement satellite PAVAGES - ANR Subtile

Exposé invité
[pdf]Narad RAMPERSAD
Repetitions in Words: Classical and Recent Results
14h30 [pdf]Matthieu Deneufchâtel. How to compute Selberg-like integrals?
15h [pdf]Petr Ambroz, Daniel Dombek, Zuzana Masáková and Edita Pelantová. Numbers with integer expansion in the numeration system with negative base Tarek Sellami*. Common dynamics of Pisot Substitutions Golnaz Badkobeh and Maxime Crochemore. Fewest repetitions in infinite binary words

[pdf]Michel Goemans and Raphaël Jungers. The synchronizing probability function of an automaton
15h30 Pause Café Sortie culturelle : visite guidée de la Cathédrale d'Amiens Pause Café

Pause Café
16h Pierre-Yves Angrand and Jacques Sakarovitch. On the enumerating series of an abstract numeration system [pdf]Alexey Samsonov and Arseny Shur. On Abelian Repetition Threshold

Anna Frid and Luca Zamboni. On automatic infinite permutations
16h30 Karel Klouda and Christiane Frougny. Rational base number systems for p-adic numbers [pdf]Pascal Ochem and Elise Vaslet. Repetition thresholds for subdivided graphs and trees

Laura Giambruno and Sabrina Mantaci. State complexities of transducers for bidirectional decoding of prefix codes
17h Rafik Belhadef and Henri-Alex Esbelin. Transcendence and p-adic continued fractions [pdf]Svetlana Puzynina, Sergey Avgustinovich and Juhani Kahumäki. On abelian versions of Critical Factorization Theorem

[pdf]Emilie Charlier, Narad Rampersad, Michel Rigo and Laurent Waxweiler. Structure of the minimal automaton of a numeration language, and: State complexity of testing divisiblity
18h Pot d'accueil
19h Banquet
* Cet exposé a été planifié en remplacement de l'exposé de Nishali Mehta et Akos Seress : "Bounded Degree, Triangle Avoidance Graph Games", accepté par le comité de programme, les auteurs n'ayant pas pu venir à la conférence.
Exposés invités :